
Prerequisites. You should first install R and RStudio as described in the R4DS Prerequisites. If you are unfamiliar with the layout of RStudio, see the User Guide.

In this discussion section, we will

Getting started

In your table groups, introduce yourselves

  • what made you interested in this class
  • how much experience do you have with R and ggplot?

Whoever has the least experience—you are the coder! Arrange yourselves so that everyone can see the coder’s screen.

Prepare the environment

Open a new R Script by clicking the button at the top left of RStudio. Save your R Script in a folder you will use for this exercise.

Paste the code below into your R Script. Place your cursor within the line and hit CMD + Enter or CTRL + Enter to run the code and load the tidyverse package.


You will see action in the console. You have added some functionality to R for this session!

The data can be loaded from the course website with the line below.

data <- read_csv(file = "")

When you run this code, the object data will appear in your environment pane.

Explore the data

Type data in your console. You can see the data!

  • country country name
  • ratio ratio of 90th to 10th percentile of household income. You can think of this as how many dollars a high-income household receives for each dollar that a low-income household receives
  • gdp Gross Domestic Product Per Capita, expressed as a proportion of U.S. GDP
  • life_expectancy life expectancy at birth

For details on the data, see Jencks (2002) Table 1.

Produce a graph

We are ready to produce a graph! The code below will produce a simple graph.

data |>
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = ratio, y = gdp)) +

Let’s break this code down into pieces

  • data tells R to start with the object data
  • |> is called the pipe operator. It passes the data object down to the function in the next line
  • ggplot() is a function that creates a plot environment
  • the argument mapping = aes(x = ratio, y = gdp) tells ggplot() how variables in the data will correspond to elements of the plot. We will visualize ratio on the x-axis and gdp on the y-axis
  • + tells ggplot() we will add a new layer on the next line
  • geom_point() tells ggplot() to add a layer of points to the graph

Customizing your graph

In your group, create additional layers with additional lines connected by +. Be creative! Here are some ideas:

  • label the axes with scale_x_continuous(name = "your text here") and scale_y_continuous(name = "your text here")
  • label countries using geom_text or geom_text_repel, with the aesthetic label = country

There are many possible graphs to make. An example is below.

Interpret your graph

Once you are happy with your graph,

  • write a few sentences explaining your graph
  • discuss what questions you would like to ask next

Prepare a Quarto report

Create a new Quarto document. Put your R code and interpretation into that document. Upload to Canvas!

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