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Nonparametric (model-free) estimators of causal effects


This page illustrates nonparametric adjustment: how to estimate causal effects without any statistical model at all. Although it is rarely used in practice, nonparametric adjustment is a conceptually useful because it illustrates the ideal case that we hope any statistical model will approximate.

There are two steps:

1) Estimate effects within population subgroups defined by confounders

Why? Within subgroups, confounders do not vary. Differences in outcomes must be caused by the treatment!

2) Aggregate over subgroups, weighted by size

Why? The distribution of confounders stays the same, even if we intervene to change the treatment

We illustrate by estimating the causal effect of education on income, where we assume that the causal effect is identified by statistical adjustment for parent education according to the DAG below.

Prepare: Load the data

First, prepare the environment and load data we used in the PSID Prediction Challenge.

d <- read_csv("../psid_mobility_challenge/for_students/learning.csv") %>%
  # Optional: Modify g2_educ so that it is an ordered factor
  mutate(g2_educ = fct_relevel(g2_educ, 
                               "Less than high school",
                               "High school",
                               "Some college",
                               "College")) %>%
  # Optional: Rename variables to their roles for this lesson
  rename(id = g3_id,
         confounder = g2_educ,
         treatment = g3_educ,
         outcome = g3_log_income) %>%
  select(id, confounder, treatment, outcome) %>%
## # A tibble: 1,365 × 4
##       id confounder            treatment             outcome
##    <dbl> <fct>                 <chr>                   <dbl>
##  1     1 Less than high school High school             10.7 
##  2     4 High school           Some college            11.5 
##  3     7 High school           High school             11.2 
##  4     9 Less than high school High school             10.7 
##  5    10 Less than high school High school             10.7 
##  6    11 High school           Some college            11.3 
##  7    12 High school           Some college            11.5 
##  8    13 Less than high school Less than high school    9.99
##  9    19 High school           Less than high school   11.1 
## 10    21 High school           Less than high school   10.4 
## # … with 1,355 more rows

Step 1. Create population subgroups and calculate conditional average effects

First, create population subgroups in which the confounders do not vary.

  • within each subgroup, estimate the mean outcome in each treatment condition
  • take the difference over treatment conditions of interest

This estimates conditional average causal effects: the average effect of a treatment on an outcome within population subgroups

conditional_average_effect <- d %>%
  group_by(confounder, treatment) %>%
  summarize(ybar = mean(outcome),
            .groups = "drop") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = treatment, values_from = ybar) %>%
  # Focus on the effect of college vs high school
  select(confounder, `College`, `High school`) %>%
  mutate(effect_of_college = `College` - `High school`) %>%
## # A tibble: 4 × 4
##   confounder            College `High school` effect_of_college
##   <fct>                   <dbl>         <dbl>             <dbl>
## 1 Less than high school    11.5          10.8             0.740
## 2 High school              11.6          11.0             0.543
## 3 Some college             11.7          11.2             0.439
## 4 College                  11.7          11.4             0.304

Step 2. Aggregate across subgroups

We might want a population claim: what is the average effect for everyone? An intervention to send respondents to college would not change the education of their parents. We will take the weighted average of conditional average causal effects, weighted by the size of each population subgroup.

First, calculate the size of each subgroup.

subpopulation_size <- d %>%
  group_by(confounder) %>%
  summarize(subgroup_size = n(),
            .groups = "drop") %>%
## # A tibble: 4 × 2
##   confounder            subgroup_size
##   <fct>                         <int>
## 1 Less than high school           192
## 2 High school                     664
## 3 Some college                    296
## 4 College                         213

Then, estimate the population average effect.

conditional_average_effect %>%
  left_join(subpopulation_size, by = "confounder") %>%
  summarize(population_average_effect = weighted.mean(effect_of_college, 
                                                      w = subgroup_size)) %>%
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
##   population_average_effect
##                       <dbl>
## 1                     0.511

Closing thoughts

Nonparametric adjustment illustrates a key concept: study the effect of a treatment by examining differences in outcomes across that treatment within subgroups defined by confounders.

In practice, there are often many confounders and nonparametric adjustment becomes impossible. The next page discusses parametric adjustment for those settings.

Summary video: What we covered today